A thousand of books are published every day; the newspapers have a lot of information, more than humans can absorb; there are billions of home-pages on the internet; a great quantity of scientific magazines; besides the information which comes from the television and its uncountable channels.
We receive every day in our e-mails a lot of information and most of all is useless information, duplicated or spams. In mobile phone happens almost the same. The real problem is the storing of data, most of the time, we keep it all we received and don’t throw away, keeping a lot of data or useless information with an absurd volume. Most of this useless information is silliness, e-mails jokes, gossips, among other things.
To deal with the excess of information is difficult because every day there is something new coming to us and we must be alert, in many cases, reading too much doesn’t mean learning more.
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