terça-feira, 5 de julho de 2011

Violence in the media

The media content is a very important issue. The violence and pornography may cause strong impressions in children. Parentes, teachers and authorities are considerably concerned about the influence that a violent content could exerts in the minds of young people. 

We can outline a relation between the increase of violence level in the daily life, particularly the violence against children, and the violent scenes shown on television and films, besides the violence simulated in videogames and computer games. 

The media wants to show us that violence is acceptable; it is ordinary and part of our lives. It is part of our modern culture. Sometimes they show us that violence could be funny too, in a sick and ironic form. 

The media teaches something worth: intelligence is out of fashion and the brute force is in fashion. The morality is no longer popular. The police are stupid and the criminals are smart. There is a jungle out there involving men, women and children, but, everything is alright.

We live in an era of progressive crimes against people and properties, since children and wife abuses, violence in football games, bad treatments to old or undefended people.

The violence in the media is remarkable. A scene that lasts only few seconds  - shown in a small part of a program  - can be remembered for a longer time more than another  scene.  The violence has a contagious message and frequently produces a direct effect.

Children imitate what they have seen. They transform this in games, hurting other children. The violence makes them brutal, it makes people rude and makes others sad. His impact is destructive. The violence in media it is not only physical or verbal, like beat in someone. It represents direct and serious forms of aggression, for example, shooting someone, attacking with a knife, burning a building, cutting someone with glass, there are drastic scenes produced with visual effects.

The popularity of violence in society is a big problem that cannot be resolved so easily.  The parents must be smart and follow the education of their children closely, controlling what they watch on television and what kind of games they are playing. Besides that, the government must protect the most vulnerable citizens and, together, all have to work to make the media a solution to solve the problem  of violence in the world, and no longer an incentive. 

Um comentário:

  1. Ainda bem que vc ta colocando as redacoes aqui, qd eu chegar nessa fase vou me basear por elas. rsrsrs!!!


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